Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers

How Do You Feel Today? These cute flashcards are great visual way to introduce the emotions and feelings vocabulary to your kids. They depend on recognize and name each emotion, which is the first step to improve the emotional intelligence to kids. Use this set of fun EMOTIONS flashcards to teach and explore feelings words with your kids! These flashcards are great for teaching and reviewing vocabulary. You can playing games like Snap, Go Fish or Pairs. You can also watch this video EMOTIONS and FEELINGS on YouTube (see end of post)! These emotion and feeling cards contain: angry - happy - tired - thirsty - hungry - scared - surprised - sad - nervous - hot - cold - brave. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLEY Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoolers Feelings and Emotion Flashcards for preschoole...