The Universe Story for Kids - Science for kids

The Universe Story

Science for kids
The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 

The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 

The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 
The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 
The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 
The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 

The Universe Story flashcards for Kids
The Universe Story - Science for kids 

Previously, the Universe was inside a bubble.

The bubble was thousands of times tinier than a pinhead.

It was hotter and denser than anything!

Suddenly the bubble exploded, and the Universe was born.

With the Big Bang, the Universe grew from a very tiny atom.

The time, space, energy and matter all began with the Big Bang.

The Universe kept on growing and expanding still  today.

Teaching the universe story to preschoolers can be important for several reasons:

Scientific Awareness:

The universe story can introduce preschoolers to scientific concepts such as astronomy, geology, and physics. This can help them to develop an understanding of the natural world and foster a sense of curiosity and wonder about the universe.

Environmental Awareness:

Understanding the universe story can also help preschoolers develop an appreciation for the environment and their place within it. By learning about the origins of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things, preschoolers can begin to understand the importance of taking care of the planet and its resources.

Cultural Awareness:

The universe story is a narrative that transcends cultural boundaries and can help preschoolers to develop a sense of unity and interconnectedness with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Spiritual Development:

The universe story can also have a spiritual dimension, as it can help preschoolers to develop a sense of awe and reverence for the beauty and mystery of the universe.


teaching the universe story to preschoolers can foster scientific awareness, environmental awareness, cultural awareness, and spiritual development, all of which can contribute to the growth and development of the whole child.


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