Molly, The Circle - The Circle Shape Story for Kids

Teach and Learn Shapes for Kids
A Short Story Circle

Molly, The Circle - The Circle Shape Story for Kids
Molly, The Circle - The Circle Shape Story for Kids

Molly, The Circle - The Circle Shape Story for Kids
Molly, The Circle - The Circle Shape Story for Kids

Circles - Teach and Learn Shapes for Kids - Short Story Circle

Do do you want to explain a Circle to a child?

What is a Circle in an easy definition?

What are the facts about Circles?

How do you explain Circles to preschoolers?

Let's learn all about Circles! through our story at: Nodee Happy Steps.

Shapes are all around us, everywhere!

My name is Molly, and I am a special shape. I am round, with no corners or edges. I can roll and roll without getting dizzy.

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